Beyond the surface: Understanding your skin microbiome for a healthy glow

3 minutes

Key takeaways

  • Each area of your body hosts its unique microbial population, and your skin, being the largest organ, is no exception.
  • Modern skincare and beauty routines can really mess with your microbiota.

As the sun-kissed days of summer approach, our skin takes centre stage. Traditionally, healthy skin has been about skincare products and routines; however, recent research has shed light on one amazing, yet overlooked factor: the skin microbiome.


What exactly is the skin microbiome?

It refers to the diverse community of microorganisms that reside on your skin's surface. So, think of your skin as a bustling city teeming with life. The skin microbiome is the vibrant community of microorganisms—including bacteria, viruses, and fungi—that call your skin home. Each area of your body hosts its unique microbial population, and your skin, being the largest organ, is no exception.


Are probiotics good for skin? Three benefits you’ll love

Just like a city thrives on diverse communities, your skin health flourishes with a balanced population of bacteria, good and bad. This balance is essential for healthy skin function and can be disrupted by factors such as harsh skincare products, environmental pollutants, and stress.

One of the key benefits of probiotics for the skin is their ability to restore and maintain this good balance within the microbiome. These ‘good’ skin bacteria form a protective barrier that:


    Skin deep! How probiotics support each layer of your skin

    Our skin is a complex organ with distinct layers, each playing a vital role. Here's how probiotics can support these functions:


    • Epidermis (Outermost Layer): Protects against external threats. Probiotics help maintain its integrity and hydration.

    • Dermis (Middle Layer): Provides structure and elasticity. Probiotics may promote collagen production for a youthful appearance.

    • Hypodermis (Innermost Layer): Insulates and stores energy. A healthy microbiome might contribute to better blood flow and nutrient delivery to the skin.

      Can you restore your skin microbiota?

      Modern skincare and beauty routines can really mess with your microbiota. Over-cleaning with antibacterial soaps or sanitisers can upset the balance of your microbiome because they kill off the good and bad skin bacteria. So, try using mild cleansers and natural soaps, and don’t overdo it. You can also expose yourself to nature more often, check that you’re getting all the essentials in your diet, and avoid too many processed and sugary foods.


      A new beauty frontier? Skin microbiome and skincare

      It’s only in recently that researchers started thinking about the skin microbiome and skincare together. There’s still a lot we don’t know about this complex and fascinating world that resides on (and within) us, but evolving research tells us that keeping your skin microbiome healthy and happy may have a big part to play.

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