The gut health hub
Welcome to our probiotic research articles and expert insights into maintaining optimal digestive wellness.

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How and when to start weaning your baby – baby weaning basics
Weaning is an exciting milestone in your baby’s journey, but knowing when and how to start can feel overwhelming. From recognising the key signs of...
Probiotics and babies: A comprehensive guide
Probiotics and babies, a comprehensive guide for parents. Discover the fascinating world of the baby microbiome and the best ways to build baby gut health.
Gut loving lunchbox ideas for kids
As the back-to-school season arrives, it's the perfect time to think about what foods you can include in your child’s lunchboxes to nourish their invisible...
Top 5 brain-supporting foods for kids
As the back-to-school season approaches, parents and caregivers are gearing up to support their children's academic success in every possible way. New school supplies, a...
The magic touch: Your guide to baby massage
Discover the magic of baby massage with our guide. From when to start to step-by-step techniques, and tips for a soothing and effective baby tummy...
Back to school and the five P's that support children’s wellbeing
Let’s explore five key tips to help maintain your child's wellbeing throughout the school year. These simple yet effective practices can support your child in...
Self care for mums: Prioritising your wellbeing
Becoming a mother is a beautiful journey, but it can also feel overwhelming. Finding time for yourself, even for simple things like taking a shower,...
How to Prepare for Back to School: Tips for a Smooth Transition
As summer fades and the back-to-school season approaches, it’s the perfect time to prepare for back to school with new routines and healthy habits that...
Gut health while traveling – prepare your gut for summer travels
Jet lag, new foods, changing climates, and busy schedules can all disrupt your routine, including your digestion. Travel often brings shifts that may take some...