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About probiotics

Probiotics are defined as ”live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.” (WHO/FAO 2002, Hill C et al. 2014). An important criterium for qualifying as a true probiotic is that health benefits have been proven in clinical studies. Furthermore, a probiotic product must contain the same bacterial strain(s) and the same dose that was used in the clinical studies.

Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. Prebiotics are fibres and carbohydrates that stimulate the growth of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

The patented probiotic strains found in BioGaia's products were originally found to live in the human digestive tract, which means they are very well suited to our bacterial flora. Many other probiotic products on the market contain strains that come from plants or animals.

Many people assume that lactic acid comes from dairy because the first word sounds similar to lactose - a sugar naturally found in dairy products. However, lactic acid is not milk, nor does it contain milk.

Lactic acid bacteria have the ability to form lactic acid, which is not the same as milk. Lactic acid bacteria are also found naturally in many foods, for example, in kimchi, olives and sauerkraut.

Bacteria are classified into genus, species and strains. Probiotic strains of the same species have different characteristics, and may therefore have different health effects. For example, clinical studies with the two strains, Limosilactobacillus reuteri (formerly known as Lactobacillus reuteri) ATCC PTA 6475 and Limosilactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938, have shown different effects in clinical studies. That is why a probiotic product must be defined on strain level.

Multi-strain products containing several strains in high doses do not necessarily have a better effect than a single-strain product. Important criteria when choosing a probiotic product are:

  • The probiotic bacteria must be defined on strain level.

  • The probiotic product must have been tested in human clinical studies, with the same dose and with the same bacterial strain(s) as in the commercial product.

Gut health supplements or gut health products are other common names used for probiotic food supplements.

Limosilactobacillus reuteri (formerly known as Lactobacillus reuteri) is a probiotic strain that has been tested in more than 150 human clinical studies (May 2020). The scientific designation of L. reuteri Protectis is L. reuteri DSM 17938. Other products containing Limosilactobacillus reuteri include BioGaia Protectis baby drops and BioGaia Protectis tablets.

Limosilactobacillus reuteri (formerly known as Lactobacillus reuteri) is a probiotic bacterium that has co-evolved with humans since the beginning of time, and because of that it is adapted to its host. L. reuteri is one of the first bacterial species to naturally become established in the microbiota of the new-born. BioGaia’s probiotic products with L. reuteri are among the most scientifically well-documented probiotics in the world in terms of both efficacy and safety. To date, over 220 clinical studies with BioGaia’s L. reuteri-strains have been performed in approximately 19,000 people of all ages.

The bacteria are alive but in a dormant state. They become activated and fully metabolically active when they come in contact with the saliva. By the time they reach the stomach they can start to colonize.

How to Use Probiotics

Yes, BioGaia products can be taken together with antibiotics. Antibiotics disrupt the natural balance in the gut. As BioGaia products help to maintain a balanced gut microbiota, they may reduce common side effects of antibiotics. We recommend taking the antibiotic two hours before or after the probiotic.

Even an indigenous bacterium like Limosilactobacillus reuteri (formerly known as Lactobacillus reuteri) should be taken on a regular basis, since most people of modern society does not get colonized by L. reuteri during infancy. The epithelial lining covers our gastrointestinal tract and works like a skin on the inside of our bodies. The main task of our ”inner skin” is to differentiate between what should be absorbed and what should not be let into our bodies. Biopsies have shown that L. reuteri is temporarily binding to our epithelial lining. However, since the cells in our epithelial lining is replaced every fourth day, the majority of L. reuteri cells are also washed away within a week or so. Since L. reuteri colonization is transient, every day intake is recommended to ensure adequate and stable levels of L. reuteri in the gastrointestinal tract.

It does not matter if BioGaia’s probiotic products are taken with or without food. What is important is to take it on a daily basis. However, products containing Vitamin D should preferably be taken together with food for better uptake.

The recommended daily dose of Limosilactobacillus reuteri (formerly known as Lactobacillus reuteri) Protectis is 100 million CFU (Colony Forming Units). This dose is provided by 5 drops of BioGaia Protectis drops or 1 BioGaia Protectis tablet.

Yes, it is safe to take BioGaia products together with pharmaceuticals and other supplements.*

*If you have any medical conditions, always consult your healthcare professional for advice.

The recommended dose of a probiotic does not depend on bodyweight. BioGaia’s clinical studies show efficacy with the same dose both in children and adults.

Yes, several studies show that it is safe to consume BioGaia's products during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Since every gastrointestinal tract is unique, some individuals might experience a temporary change in gut motility. BioGaia probiotic products very rarely cause side effects when the recommended dose is taken.

Some individuals might experience gas (flatulence), however, this generally disappears after a few days. No serious adverse effects have been observed in clinical trials up to the maximum tested dosage of 10 billion CFU per day.

Protectis Baby Drops

Yes. All BioGaia probiotic products, including our baby probiotic drops, have undergone extensive research and are shown to be safe.

BioGaia Protectis Baby Drops are designed to support your baby’s gut health from day one. Containing the patented lactic acid bacterium L. reuteri Protectis®, our probiotic baby drops are shown to reach the gut alive.

Research has shown that BioGaia Protectis drops are safe to give to babies from birth.

We recommend giving your baby our Protectis Baby Drops daily. The recommended dose for our probiotic baby drops is 5 drops once daily administered by a spoon.

BioGaia Protectis baby drops should not be stored in the freezer, as this will significantly shorten the shelf-life of the product.

  • We highly recommend giving our probiotic drops by spoon.
  • Shake well for 10 seconds before each use to mix the bacteria culture with the oil.
  • To dispense the drops, tilt the bottle and administer by spoon.
  • Use 5 drops once daily.
  • Do not add to hot drinks or food as this may damage the live bacteria.

Yes, the drops can be added to lukewarm baby formula and/or breast milk. Do not add to liquids warmer than 37°C. If adding to liquids, make sure to consume within the same day.

BioGaia Protectis drops sold in the UK can be stored at room temperature.

If room temperature is above 25°C we always recommend storage in the fridge.

BioGaia Protectis baby drops should not be stored in the freezer, as this will significantly shorten the shelf-life of the product.

Exposure to high temperatures and/or high humidity will significantly shorten the shelf-life of the product. However, the product will still be safe to use.

Kids Protectis Tablets

BioGaia Kids Protectis tablets are suitable from 3 years of age.

We recommend 1-2 tablets daily. Recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.

Yes, they are free from gluten, lactose and milk protein.

Yes, each tablet contains 100 million live lactic acid bacteria (L. reuteri DSM17938).

Maintaining good health throughout life is important. Where our award-winning Protectis Baby Drops help give babies a great start to life, BioGaia Protectis tablets help you continue to support your child’s journey of health.

Yes, BioGaia Kids Protectis tablets are strawberry-flavoured for easy consumption.

Gastrus Tablets

Limosilactobacillus reuteri (formerly known as Lactobacillus reuteri) Gastrus is a combination of two probiotic strains, L. reuteri DSM 17938 and L. reuteri ATCC PTA 6475.

1-2 tablets a day. Recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.

Yes. We recommend taking one to two tablets every day.

Yes, they are safe for long-term, daily use.

  • Protectis contains L. reuteri DSM 17938
  • Gastrus contains L. reuteri DSM 17938 and L. reuteri ATCC PTA 6475

Yes. One tablet contains a minimum of 200 million live L. reuteri Gastrus, and two tablets contain a minimum of 400 million live L. reuteri Gastrus.

BioGaia Gastrus contains the patented lactic acid bacterium strains L. reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 and L. reuteri DSM 17938.

Yes, they are free from gluten, lactose and milk protein.

Protectis D+ Tablets

BioGaia Protectis D+ tablets contain live bacteria together with vitamin D and promote good gut health and support your immune system.*

*Vitamin D contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.

1 tablet daily. Recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.

Yes. We recommend taking one tablet every day.

Yes, they are safe for long-term, daily use.

  • Protectis contains L. reuteri DSM 17938
  • Gastrus contains L. reuteri DSM 17938 and L. reuteri ATCC PTA 6475

Yes, BioGaia Protectis D+ tablets are orange-flavoured.

BioGaia Protectis tablets contain ascorbic acid, which is an antioxidant that contributes to the stability of the tablets. Over time the ascorbic acid oxidizes and the colour becomes darker. This darkening is seen as small “spots” on the tablet. These spots are not dangerous, and the product can still be used.

In BioGaia Protectis tablets neither milk protein nor lactose are detectable, and the gluten level is below EU limit value for gluten-free products. As food regulation varies from country to country, the product labelling may differ.

Yes, they are free from gluten, lactose and milk protein.

Subscribe & Save

Yes, you can choose to have them deliver every 1, 2 or 3 months.

Not only do you receive a 20% discount on the products of your choice, your order will be delivered right to your door, at the frequency you choose, and with free postage.

Yes, you can choose to cancel your subscription at any time in our portal. Remember to use the same email that you used in the checkout when you log in.

For further inquiries regarding your subscription, please contact our customer service!

BioGaia offers free postage on all orders.

Purchasing & Delivery

If you have placed an order before 1200 Monday to Friday, your order will be packed and dispatched with your shipping method of choice the very same day. If you have chosen Royal Mail 48h, the package normally arrives within 48 hours from the time Royal Mail picked up the goods from our warehouse. For example, If you have placed an order on Saturday morning choosing Royal Mail 48H, our warehouse will pack your products on Monday and hand it over to Royal Mail in the afternoon. It is then Royal Mail’s responsibility to deliver the goods before Wednesday night.

Please note that due to the nation-wide shortage of truck drivers and bottlenecks in the delivery chain, lately we have seen an increase in delays with Royal Mail and other shipping providers, albeit this is not something we are responsible for.

Feel free to email us at support@biogaia.co.uk and we will gladly help you.

We're working on it! However, it may be worth noting that BioGaia as a company is already climate-compensating for the development and manufacture of the product itself, and we also hope to be able to guarantee that your purchase in our webstore is 100% climate-neutral.

If you’re in the UK, you can buy probiotic food supplements right here via our webstore. You can also find our products in pharmacies and health stores throughout the UK.

How to store probiotics

All BioGaia products should be stored in a dry place, not above room temperature (max 25°C).

Note: BioGaia Protectis Baby Drops should be used within three months of opening.